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Nefertiti's Real, Wrinkled Face Found in Famous Bust?

These new images show that Thutmose placed stucco layers of varying thickness on top of a limestone core.
Nefertiti's "hidden" visage is more realistic, with creases around the corners of her mouth (above, bottom left) and cheeks, less prominent cheekbones, and a bump on her nose.
"CT [scans] impressively demonstrated that the inner core was not just an anonymous mold, but rather a skillfully rendered work of quality art," Huppertz said in an email.
In the final stucco layer (above, top left), Thutmose smoothed over the creases and nose bump, possibly to reflect the "aesthetic ideals of the era," said Huppertz, whose research appears in April in the journal Radiology.
Such glimpses into Thutmose's artistry will help conservators "prevent damage of this extremely precious art object," Huppertz said.
That's because the scans also revealed areas where the stucco is most vulnerable and requires the most careful handling.
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